Cervical Eval and Reset

Cervical Eval

  • unilateral complaints - look for
    • loss of cervical retraction and SB toward the involved side for mid/lower cervical and radiating complaints
    • loss of cervical retraction and rotation toward the involved side for unilateral HA, when there is no loss of retraction and sB
  • bilateral complaints or unilateral with no assymetry in either above pattern
    • loss of cervical retraction - cervical pain radiating to upper traps
    • loss of cervical retraction and extension
Cervical Resets
  • cervical retraction with overpressure -> retraction with extension if radiating to upper thoracic, scapula, AND no loss of retraction and SB or rot
  • cervical retraction with SB/rot if unilateral loss toward the involved side
    • after symmetry is restored, load with retraction and overpressure if needed to get to end range